What is it?

GIS data is spatial data about the planning policies that apply in a given area. For example, Conservation Areas.

Why does it matter?

Plan✕ automatically checks this data to tell users and officers what planning policies and constraints apply to their property. In order for your services to do this, your layers need to be published via the Planning Data API.

You can learn more about PlanX’s integration with Planning Data in our Service Specification.

<aside> <img src="/icons/map-pin-alternate_green.svg" alt="/icons/map-pin-alternate_green.svg" width="40px" /> Plan✕ currently pulls GIS data from planning.data.gov.uk, so before you can start using Plan✕ you’ll need to get your layers published on there.


What layers you’ll need

Layer Planning Data “dataset(s)” How essential is it?
Conservation Areas conservation-area Must have
Tree Preservation Zones tree-preservation-zone if your council publishes polygons
and/or tree if your council publishes points Must have
Listed Buildings listed-building-outline with associated listed-building-grade Must have
Article 4 Directions article-4-direction-area Must have
Tree Preservation Zones metadata tree-preservation-order Nice to have
Listed Buildings metadata listed-building Nice to have
Locally Listed Buildings locally-listed-building Nice to have
Article 4 Directions “rules” permitted-development-right to link which policies each A4 spatial record removes Nice to have
Central Activities Zone central-activities-zone Nice to have
Properties with a planning condition removing a permitted development right ** Planning Data is still developing this specification Nice to have

’Must have’– We realise that it takes some time to pull together the full detailed documentation for these layers. To get started, all we need is for the outline boundary to be published on planning.data. It’s ok if some of the more detailed information is added to planning.data later.

<aside> 😟 What if my data isn’t perfect? Don’t worry, the Plan✕ components and services that use this data have pathways for users to report or challenge information if they think its wrong. Users are shown clear warnings that they should apply for a Lawful Development Certificate to check this information, and planning officers will have the opportunity to check it, in the usual way.


What layers planning.data.gov.uk already have nationally

Layer Planning Data “dataset(s)”
Ancient Semi-natural woodland (ASNW) ancient-woodland
Areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) area-of-outstanding-natural-beauty
National Parks national-park
Broads national-park > Broads entity
Scheduled monuments scheduled-monument
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) site-of-special-scientific-interest
Special Area of Conservation (SAC) special-area-of-conservation
World Heritage Sites world-heritage-site and world-heritage-site-buffer-zone
Flood Zones - Risk Levels 2 & 3 flood-risk-zone
Historic Parks and Gardens historic-parks-and-gardens
Special Protection Areas (SPA) special-protection-area
Land Registry Index Polygons title-boundary
Green Belts green-belt
Ramsar sites ramsar
Brownfield sites brownfield-site and brownfield-land
Classified roads Sourced from Ordnance Survey MasterMap Highways (not planning.data.gov.uk)

Future data wishlist & roadmap🔮

If your council already has these available, please reach out!

Layer Current Source Anticipated source Reason for inclusion Proposed data value assigned to property.constraints.planning
Safeguarded land Planning Data Relevant to GPDO Part 14 Classes H & I (install wind turbines) safeguardedLand
Safety hazard area Planning Data Relevant to multiple GPDO classes safetyHazardArea
Explosives and ordnance storage Planning Data Relevant to multiple GPDO classes explosivesOrdnanceStorage
Aerodrome Planning Data Relevant to multiple GPDO classes aerodrome
Local flood data Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms flood.local
Coastal storm surge flood risk area Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms flood.stormSurge
Flood risk zone 3b Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms flood.zoneThree.b
Flood storage area Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms flood.storageArea
Main river Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms watercourse.mainRiver
Other watercourse Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms watercourse.other
Section 41 Habitat of principal importance https://www.data.gov.uk/dataset/4b6ddab7-6c0f-4407-946e-d6499f19fcde/priority-habitats-inventory-england Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms nature.priorityHabitat
Regionally important geological and geomorphological site (RIGS) Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms nature.RIGS
Veteran tree Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms if considered to be ‘other biodiversity feature’ nature.veteranTree
Local Biodiversity Action Plan priority habitat Planning Data Currently put to applicants in planning permission forms if considered to be ‘other biodiversity feature’ nature.localPriorityHabitat
Areas of critical drainage problems Planning Data Currently a flood risk consideration to be checked as part of the planning permission flooding section flood.criticalDrainage
Historic landfill site Planning Data Informs whether Environment Agency consultation is required for a planning application landfill.historic
Authorised landfill site Planning Data Informs whether Environment Agency consultation is required for a planning application landfill.authorised
Principle aquifer Planning Data Informs whether Environment Agency consultation is required for a planning application aquifer.principle
Secondary aquifer Planning Data Informs whether Environment Agency consultation is required for a planning application aquifer.secondary
Source protection zone Planning Data Informs whether Environment Agency consultation is required for a planning application sourceProtectionZone
Coastal change management area Planning Data Informs whether Environment Agency consultation is required for a planning application coastalChangeManagementArea
Potential Special Protection Area (SPA) https://magic.defra.gov.uk/MagicMap.aspx Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.SPA.potential
Possible Special Area of Conservation (SAC) https://magic.defra.gov.uk/MagicMap.aspx Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.SAC.possible
Proposed Ramsar site https://magic.defra.gov.uk/MagicMap.aspx Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.ramsarSite.proposed
Local nature reserve Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.localNatureReserve
Local wildlife site Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.localWildlifeSite
Local geological site Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.localGeologicalSite
Heritage coast Planning Data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used heritageCoast
Irreplaceable habitat Planning data Used to determine what BNG metric tool can be used nature.irreplaceableHabitat
Community asset (registered) Planning Data communityAsset.registered
Community asset (nominated) Planning Data communityAsset.nominated
Historic underground watercourse local - Camden Planning Data Used to determine what additional documents are required with planning applications in Camden historicUndergroundWatercourse
Area of archaeological potential local - Camden Planning Data Used to determine what additional documents are required with planning applications in Camden areasOfArchaeologicalPotential
Archaeological priority area local - Lambeth Planning Data Used to determine what additional documents are required with planning applications in Lambeth archaeologicalPriorityArea
Designed space or landscape on the local landscape register local - Lambeth Planning Data Used to determine what additional documents are required with planning applications in Lambeth localLandscapeRegister

How to do it

<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right-basic_blue.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right-basic_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Go to planning.data.gov.uk

Let us know on Slack when you’re done!
