Article 4 Directions are local policies you have in place that remove certain Permitted Development rights on some properties.
Plan✕ fetches the GIS data that will tell users when their property is affected by an Article 4 direction, but we* need to know what that Article 4 direction removes, so that this can be written into your flows.
*You can actually do this bit yourself if you want, but because we’re happy to do it for you, if you can provide us with this information.
You will need to know the names of all the Article 4 directions that apply in your area, and what classes of Permitted Development they remove.
If your enforcement team suggest that a particular Article 4 direction is no longer enforceable anyway, you do not need to include it.
Make a duplicate of this spreadsheet (do not work in this template). We recommend using Google sheets if you are allowed to use Google. If you can’t, you can either download an .xlxs from there, or otherwise download a copy of this CSV and open it in excel.
Master spreadsheet for Article 4 directions - Flow Progress Log.csv
Put your council name at the top and enter all your Article 4 directions.
Each Article 4 direction should have its own row. These should correspond to your published GIS data on
Send us your completed spreadsheet using the link below. The form will tell you the best way to send it to us.
<aside> <img src="/icons/error_gray.svg" alt="/icons/error_gray.svg" width="40px" /> The spreadsheet doesn’t include all the columns I need! The spreadsheet intentionally does not include Parts and Classes that no longer exist (for example Part 30).
If an Article 4 direction refers to out of date legislation, case law advises that it still removes the same group of projects as originally intended. However, you will need to determine which parts of the current legislation you believe would still be restricted by that Article 4.
For example part 31 of the 1995 order ‘demolition of buildings’ probably translates to the relevant classes in part 11 of the 2015 order.
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right-basic_blue.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right-basic_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Send this spreadsheet via email to [email protected] and [email protected]
Once we have received your information this task will be marked as ‘Done’ on the Onboarding Dashboard.
If there are any issues with your spreadsheet, we will get in touch with you via Slack or Email.