What is it?

Before you can adopt Plan✕ your IT or procurement team may want more information about the product so they can carry out due diligence.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> The answer to most questions can be found on our Plan✕ Service Specification page


How to do it

  1. Direct your IT team to the Plan✕ service specification pages, where they will be able to find answers to most questions. You can also share our most recent Penetration test (Security Audit) certification with them.
  2. If they insist on providing a questionnaire or DPIA screener that must be filled out, try to fill out as much of it as you can by reading the answers on our specification pages, or simply hyperlinking to the relevant section the service specification page.
  3. If you encounter a question that you do not understand, or cannot answer, or that is not yet answered on our service specification pages, please contact us.
  4. If you have issues accessing editor.planx.uk (production), editor.planx.dev (staging), or *.planx.pizza (internal testing environments), you may need to ask your IT team to ‘whitelist’ these URLs to prevent them being blocked by firewalls on your local council network.
    1. Specifically, PlanX uses web socket connections within the Editor to support collaboration and real-time updates. If you can access general menus but fail to load the flow graph specifically, you likely need to ask your IT to whitelist the following web socket connections:
      1. wss://sharedb.editor.planx.uk , wss://sharedb.editor.planx.dev, wss://sharedb.*.planx.pizza
      2. wss://hasura.editor.planx.uk/v1/graphql , wss://hasura.editor.planx.dev/v1/graphql, wss://hasura.*.planx.pizza/v1/graphql

Once we have received your information this task will be marked as ‘Done’ on the Onboarding Dashboard

We contact you with answers either by Slack or Email. It may take us some time to get back to you.