<aside> 🚧 This page is currently in development


As well as asking human-readable questions, and collecting human-readable answers, Plan✕ can also ask machine readable questions and answers. These are used to store data in the ‘passport’ (each user’s session data) and automatically answer questions that we already have the answer to.

Key terms

Fields are the data names associated with a ‘slot’ in the passport (for example, associated with a question such as applicant.firstName)

Values are the answers (such as ‘Sue’)

Top level data fields

Field names are named in a way that allows the data to be sorted and grouped later. All fields in Plan✕ start with one of five words, depending what that data is about:






Onto this will be added more specific information about that piece of data. For example:


Parent-child automations

Values (or answers) can also be structured like this, and this can be very powerful because it allows data to be used at different levels of detail, Plan✕ can query any level. For example, some possible values for property.type are:

