As we develop and test new features or updates, it is important that we follow rigorous quality control and security procedures to ensure that software updates are secure, bug-free, and adhere to industry standards and regulations

This can happen across multiple environments.

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Design Development Test instance (or ‘pizza’) Staging (.dev) Production (behind feature flag) Production (.uk)
What is it? Mockup environment (eg Figma) Collaborative version control environment eg GitHub A standalone instance of the service at a testing link. No user data present. A staging instance of the service where new features can be combined with each other and service integrations. The live service, but new features can be made available to a limited group of test users before rolling out to all users The live environment.
Manual testing and review by team All pull requests are reviewed for any bugs or security issues. We manually test a new feature in context looking for weaknesses or issues. Manual testing of new features together, along with integrations. Removal of all test or debugging code If, from reports we identify an issue we can immediately roll back individual features or changes if required until the issue has been fixed.
Automated testing We run a suite of automated tests to test for accessibility, security, performance or bugs. We run live monitoring services that allow us to spot if something is going wrong.
Customers & users We test interactive mockups with users and stakeholders to identify design problems early. We may invite customers and users to help us find issues. Invite customers and users to test with dummy data. Invite customers and users to test with real data. Bug reporting and issues monitoring

How we deploy code updates to Plan✕

<aside> <img src="/icons/subtask_gray.svg" alt="/icons/subtask_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This section only relates to the development and release of new software updates. It does not relate to testing and publishing new service content, which is managed by a separate process within the editor.


Security and change management

For more about how we make sure that any changes we make are secure before they go live, see Security.