What are the prices of Plan✕ subscriptions?

Download the 2022 Pricing document below:


What does the price pay for?

The annual subscription price is aimed to cover the cost of:

At the moment, the initial development of the platform and new services, to navigating through the complexities of initial council onboarding is being funded and supported separately, but the goal is to reduce that funding, so some of the subscription cost councils pay will also be supporting ongoing development of the platform and the services.

How is pricing likely to change in future?

This pricing structure is very much a first version. It is likely to change in future as we learn more. Some of the ways it might change are:

We would love your input

We are very aware of the challenges you face in procuring Plan✕ as a service. In many cases it may not be replacing an existing software product that you currently pay for. Even though we are very confident of the value Plan✕ will yield for councils in terms of increased revenues and reduced costs these do not necessarily translate into IT budgets.

We are very much testing these prices with lead councils to find the price that seems reasonable, and the least painful way to pay it. Any suggestions or feedback you can give us about the obstacles you face procuring Plan✕ is really useful.