Web browser interface Yes
Supported browsers Any modern web browser, including:

Microsoft Edge Firefox Chrome Safari Opera | | Installation required | No | | Updates required | No, automatic | | Designed for use on mobile devices | Yes | | Differences between the mobile and desktop service | Public users will have the same experience on mobile and desktop. Although the editor interface used by planning authorities will work on mobile device, its design is not optimised for them. The editor interface is primarily designed for use on desktop devices. | | Service interface | Yes | | Description of service interface | The main public interface is typical of many digital service interfaces, and uses patterns and components broadly in-line with those used on, for example GOV.UK, but themed with each council's visual identity. Users are asked a series of questions or for specific pieces of information. Their path through the service then depends on the information they provide. The interface is simple, legible, with 'more information' available where users request it. | | Can each council customise and theme their service? | Yes, within constraints.

Admins can customise their services with a brand colour and logo, to provide end users with a clear, seamless experience when navigating from and to other council web pages.

The content of all flows is controlled by editors within the PlanX editor. Editors can also pull-in flows that are written and maintained by others for use within their own flows. | | Can multiple team members collaborate in real time? | Yes | | Can multiple councils collaborate on shared / common services or modules? | Yes. Councils can collaborate on shared flows, or nest flows that are made and maintained by others into their flows. |